
Rejection, it's about them, not you...

I've been rejected a gazillion time (ouch, yeah it hurts).


I've been rejected for being...

Too ugly
Too fat
Too bossy
Too direct
Too demanding
Too curvy
Too friendly
Too intelligent


I've been rejected for:
Laughing too loud
Having too long a profile
Saying exactly what I want
Having curly hair
Having a mole on my chin
Not agreeing with them
Not liking musicals
Creating art
For knowing stuff they didn't
Because they fancied someone else more
Because they only wanted sex
Because I only wanted sex
Because I was an HR Manager
Because I love Right Said Fred (I know, forgive me please?)
For singing along to songs I love
For getting angry that my boundaries were violated
For having boundaries


Are you beginning to get the picture? Practically every single thing about my personality, my body, who I am is a reason for which someone has rejected me.


When I was younger, I thought people were rejecting me because I was actually ugly, I was too loud, I was too bossy, I was too fat.


The reality is I was these things for them, it was not, is not an accurate assessment of my worth or value as a human being. What I am is simply not what they value, and that is perfectly alright.


I am a gloriously, hot good looking, powerful, confident, intelligent human being who is very caring, ferociously protective over people she loves.


I learned, eventually that I needed to find the people who enjoyed me as I was, I stopped compromising who I am. I started shining brightly as the person I am.


You know what happened? I connected with more and more people who like who I am! Who enjoy my bossiness, who like direct communication, who love my curves, who don't give a shit that I have a mole on my chin.


I found my people, and I found it easier to let go of the rejections (ouch). They still hurt when I feel attracted to someone and it's not mutual, ouch. But I know now that that rejection is nothing to do with my value, my attractiveness, my desirability.


That rejection is because they are looking for someone who is not me. And that is perfectly fine.

I am happy being me, and the more I am, the more I find people who really enjoy me exactly as I am.


In case you didn't know, I'm hot as fuck, I'm attractive, I'm a whole person who is ok if you don't like how I am, I wish you luck finding what you're looking for.